Saturday, April 28, 2007

On a roll!

Okay 3 posts in one day people, Can you feel the love? This is the King of our house-Seymour. He is the second pet we have had as a family and the oldest. Our first kitty Talouse died when he was 1, so we got a new kitty right away, and here he is. He is the most loveable big baby.
I have a new SP10 partner. She likes to knit socks and has no color preference. What a dream! I have been so busy at work that I have not even been able to keep up on reading blogs! I am so sorry!!! I miss you, Norma, Gramknits, Iheartknitting, Scoutswag, etc, LOL I could go on forever. My hubby is watching the Redsox/Yankee game. Can you hear him from where you are?
I have decided to go up and dig out the Popicle sweater. I have really got to finish something. I really WANT a CeCe though! Not need, just HAVE TO know you know what I mean! I am going to start making up my SP10 package tomorrow so I don't get behind. I will have pics next week when I get my camera cards back from work. I left them there in my bag! I was so excited to show you all of my swap kits and sp box that I have received.
Okay thanks for letting me blog you to death. More entertainment to follow.
Hug Hug!

Sp Contest!

So we are to blog about our oldest yarn in the stash. I think this may be it. It was supposed to be Popsicle blue. I ordered it from Joanns online and told them Popsicle Blue, someone must be color blind. It is Pistachio, well damn it starts with a P.I have started a sweater with the popsicle blue, almost done in fact, but just cannot finish it. It was one that Wendy from Knit and Tonic designed. I think it was Something Red. Oh well. I am trying to do a CHicknits Cece, but a swap buddy only sent me 2 skeins of Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Caramel. It is discontinued and I need 2 more. So maybe I will have to dive deeper into my stash or just finish the popsicle sweater. UGH!!!


Okay,so when you sign up for a SP read all the instructions. I am supposed to post 4 times a month. I thought it was only 2. So Daughter #2 and I went to Texas, Waco to be exact to see Baylor.She has decided! Yes, she wants to go to school 7 hours by plane, away. Good for her.It is a nice school. I tried to reknit the Bahama sock and decided to try a flap heel. Holes everywhere, see for yourself!
I am not too sure I like a flap type heel. I am so used to a short row heel. Oh well. We will see. Take Care
I will be right back!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fools!

Today is my brothers birthday! He and I are one year apart. I am the oldest. I usually call him every year and play a joke. One year I called -as a bill collector, and told him we did not receive his credit card payment and I was going to take his house. He was so mad, he got his checkbook out and told me when and for how much he made his damn payment. It was hysterical! I have not called him yet-can;t think of anything sneaky!
I am going to Waco in 3 weeks to check out Daughter #2s college-Baylor! She is really excited that she got accepted. It was her first choice school.
SP10- I got my kit from my SP10. She made me a pink bunny washcloth, sent a bar of homemade soap, notebook, giftcards, 2 skiens of cotton fleece, and an older sweater knitting book. A lovely package!!!
I am sending out my SP10 box tomorrow. I have to get one more thing for it. I will take photos later.
Daughter #3 goes to Washington DC on Weds for a class trip of 4 days. She is so excited to go on her first real vacation without the family---she is such an old lady!!!!
Still knitting the socks, slowly. Made one for my sock blocker keychain. It is too cute!
Have a fun day!