On a roll!
Okay 3 posts in one day people, Can you feel the love? This is the King of our house-Seymour. He is the second pet we have had as a family and the oldest. Our first kitty Talouse died when he was 1, so we got a new kitty right away, and here he is. He is the most loveable big baby.
I have a new SP10 partner. She likes to knit socks and has no color preference. What a dream! I have been so busy at work that I have not even been able to keep up on reading blogs! I am so sorry!!! I miss you, Norma, Gramknits, Iheartknitting, Scoutswag, etc, LOL I could go on forever. My hubby is watching the Redsox/Yankee game. Can you hear him from where you are?
I have decided to go up and dig out the Popicle sweater. I have really got to finish something. I really WANT a CeCe though! Not need, just HAVE TO HAVE............you know you know what I mean! I am going to start making up my SP10 package tomorrow so I don't get behind. I will have pics next week when I get my camera cards back from work. I left them there in my bag! I was so excited to show you all of my swap kits and sp box that I have received.
Okay thanks for letting me blog you to death. More entertainment to follow.
Hug Hug!